E-Mail: nemre (at) ucsd.edu
Current Address: Integrated Systems Neuroengineering Laboratory
UC San Diego, MC 0412, Powell-Focht Bioengineering Hall, Rm. 304, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, California 92093-0412
Affiliation: Department of Bioengineering, Institute for Neural Computation, UCSD
RSA Public Encryption Key: pubkey.asc
Curriculum Vitae: cv.pdf
I am a postdoctoral researcher currently based in San Diego (UCSD), in the Integrated Systems Neuroengineering (ISN) group at the Institute for Neural Computation. I obtained my MS degree in Physics at EPFL and my PhD degree at the Institute of NeuroInformatics (INI), UZH and ETH Zurich.
I am passionate in creating computing systems that work more like the brain, by combining the fundamental and the applied. My long-term research goal is to emulate high-level, cognitive behaviors in hardware neuromorphic systems. The approach I currently pursue is to formulate neural computation as a machine learning problem, and design brain-inspired neural architectures to implement it efficiently in neuromorphic spiking neural systems . Applications range from brain-computer interfaces to goal-directed and adapting robotic systems.