520.490: Analog and Digital VLSI Systems and Architecture


Design Projects

Fall 2001


The VLSI experience gained in the course culminates in the class design project, which takes students through a complete design cycle, from an algorithmic and system-level description to transistor-level implementation in an integrated circuit.Groups of two or three students design and layout a VLSI system-on-a-chip using the Cadence CAD tools, including post-layout verification and simulation.Select designs are fabricated through MOSIS, and laboratory facilities are available for testing after the course.


Students in class work closely together with and receive guidance from graduate students in the Adaptive Microsystems Laboratory. This provides for valuable research training experience for the students in class, and also educational training experience for the graduate students in the laboratory.


Detailed instructions and guidelines for the project can be found here. Information on Fall 2001 design projects appears below, with links to the final reports. Fall 2000 design projects are archived here.

A Detector Array for Direct Control of a Deformable Mirror

Variable Resolution Imager

Algorithmic Partial Analog-to-Digital Converter

Support Vector Machine with On-Chip Training

Gradient Processor

Last updated 9/4/2002, Gert Cauwenberghs <gert@jhu.edu>