Neuromorphic Integrated Bioelectronics

BENG 216 | Fall 2024

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Computational Lab and Assignments

The computational laboratory serves as a hands-on review with exercises and practice design, layout and simulation using electronic design automation (EDA) tools, and interactive design reviews on the projects. It also serves to get you started with the homework.

Each homework will have a design component, involving use of the EDA tools. You are expected to complete every homework problem on your own but are encouraged to consult with classmates before completing a problem. Please turn in your homework on time to facilitate timely feedback. You are welcome to resubmit improved versions of your work for regrades.

Week Date Instructions and Background Material Assignment
1-2 10/04
3 10/11
4 10/18
5 10/25
6 11/1
7-10 11/8-